Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bracing for the 2nd Term

The tri-sem break was even busier at the SHRIM. The reason is the faculty and staff were prepared to make their valuable clients.....the students.... stay in SHRIM more productive and comfy to facilitate better learning.

Bracing themselves for the 2nd term, our faculty members underwent training on LC given by Lucy Bustamante. On 6 September, 12 part-time and full-time faculty shared experiences in learning engagements later validated by a review of APA's 14 Psychological Principles on Learner-centeredness. They then completed a workshop where they identified their stduents' learning styles vis-a-vis Mc Carthy's 4 learning styles and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences' Chart. The groups proceeded to propose instructional strategies (lecture, PBL, simulation, tiered assignments, anchored instruction, etc) appropriate to the learning styles previously identified. The groups presented their work by powerpoint which was subjected to peer critique. The participants requested further sessions on assestments and class management.

On another font, the Culinary Laboratory Unit which assists in supports the efficient implementation of experiential learnings of SHRIM's food and beverage courses had its whole day general staff meeting last August 31. Regularly conducted every term-end of the school year by our CLU Head, Evelyn Factora, CLU reviewed its strengths as well as weaknesses vis-a vis SHRIM objectives.

For greater productivity, CLU's sub-units, i.e Issuing and Receiving (Utensils, Equipment and Supplies;Dry Stores), Laboratories, Purchasing-support(Fidelio System), Pantry, and Warewash and Laundry, developed their respective Action Plans designed to provide more competent servoce in the 2nd term.

No let-up better service to enable CLU staff to measure up to the standards of SHRIM is CLU's goal. After all it is continously reaping what it has sown...what used to be 2-3 classes in 1996, culinary lab classes ballooned to 66 courses spread in 106 schedules in the opening of the 2nd triester of SY 2006-07.

Who says that this is the era of downsizing or fugality to the hilt? SHRIM just makes the most from its investment-the students-who will not fall short of giving their full measure.
All for Saints La Salle and Benilde!


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