Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Speaking of ORDEV Classes...

Before the school year started, Beni (ORDEV Coordinator), Mela (outgoing OSA Dean), Soc (incoming OSA Dean) and myself had a meeting regarding the assignment of ORDEV classes to teachers. People in the know are aware that this is a perennial problem at the start of every school year (and in the 2nd Term). This is due to the large number of sections scheduled to take ORDEV-A (and then ORDEV-B).

We decided to try something new this year -- to assign ORDEV to teachers in the major programs. Historically, we have been tapping SMS teachers to handle one or two ORDEV classes. These teachers happen to also handle the same students in one other GenEd class (ALGEB-X, BIBSTUD, etc.). Thus, the reasoning goes, close monitoring is ensured. However, we can only assign so many and we almost always end up with unassigned ORDEV sections.

With the new strategy, we have several additional teachers right away. In addition, these ORDEV teachers are likely to be the students' advisers when they enter their 3rd Term.

Well, it seems that we have found the solution to the problem. As per Beni's data, 13 out of 58 ORDEV classes this term are handled by non-SMS teachers. We hope to increase this ratio in the coming terms.

The challenge now is to better equip this new set of teachers by giving them access to materials and training. Beni has scheduled a meeting of ORDEV facilitators this Friday (June 9), C-Break.


At 12:56 PM , Blogger Adi said...

It's nice to hear that Odie. And yes, Gerry, we will be needing Monet and others to increase our pool of qualified ORDEV teachers.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Adi said...

Thanks for the updates, Beni. More power to you and to your advisers... :-)


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