Wednesday, October 25, 2006

One... The Beginning Of Many

We are pleased to inform the community that SHRIM has been accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to offer the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency Accreditation Program (ETEEAP). Intended for working professionals who have no Bachelor's/College degree in the hotel, restaurant and institution management field, the enrollees will be given a chance to pursue the program at their own pace and time. Their technical know-how acquired over the years shall be evaluated. One of our enrollees, a General Manager of a well known country club has taken the first step to realize his goal of earning a tertiary degree.

Let us share with you how our student hurdled the 2- day Food & Beverage validation process. On October 06, the student was seated in front of a laptop to take a written examination. It took him over two (2) hours to turn off the computer. After that, a demo for Bar Management was handled by Mr. Gerry Ele to showcase his competency in Bar Management and Service. The initial assessment took half the day... not an easy feat for a very busy person.

The following day consisted of an oral validation assessed by a 3-member panel: 1 from the academe, Mr. Ronald Holmes, 1 industry practitioner, Mr. Gilbert Q. Uy, F&B Director of Dusit Hotel, and another one from the academe, Mr. Angelo Lacson.

The other part is a demo on Food and Beverage Service which was handled by Mr. Jaime Flores, another full-time faculty member of SHRIM.

The session started promptly at 10 am. The student and the assessors all remarked that they felt like they were in a beauty pageant, mainly because there was a laptop for each of the panel members where they can input their comments and recommendations as well as put an "X" mark on the grid provided for them to assess the student. Our enrollee was grilled to perfection for two and half hours, to say the least. In the afternoon of the same day, he changed into his F&B waiter's uniform and had the demo for F&B Service for three (3) whole hours. Whew!!!
The whole undertaking for two days went without a hitch! We started with one... and this is just one of the many firsts (again), for SHRIM.


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