Taking to Heart Corporate Social Responsibility
From July 5-7, 2006, the League of Corporate Foundations (LCF) will hold a Corporate Social Responsibility Expo at The Fort. For the last two years, the Office for Academic Programs (OAP) of SDEAS closely collaborated with Deaf and hearing faculty members on the design and maintainance of the LCF and the CSR Expo website. In exchange for this service, LCF generously assisted SDEAS in our work through various partnership opportunities. Often, these opportunities were for internship and employment needs of our students, as well as advocacy for greater understanding and appreciation of the uniqueness of Deaf people.This year's expo theme is "Taking CSR to Heart". You are invited to register online and participate in the 3-day event. The plenary sessions will be held at the Every Nation Leadership Institute building. The exhibits and special workshop sessions will be at the Market! Market! exhibit area. (See map).
The Office for Partnership and Development (OPD) of SDEAS is the lead office in charge of the exhibit. OPD will also give a lecture presentation on "Deaf Employment as a CSR Activity" and a faculty from the OAP Filipino Sign Language Program will handle the Sign Language interactive session on July 5. There is also an opportunity for us to do some business at the Trading Post area. So we are bringing along some Deaf students currently undergoing business OJT and some graduates doing business to also participate in the 3-day event.
We would also make sure that marketing collaterals on other degree and non-degree programs will be included in our packet for distribution to LCF member orgs and visitors. Attention MCO. :)
So come and join us!
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