BSBA EM student, Wang Shu, wins Outstanding International Students in the Philippines

CSB's Wang Shu, BSBA-EM international student, wins PIFO’s 37th Search for the Three Most Outstanding International Students in the Philippines, a nationwide search sponsored by various government agencies, educators, associations and institutions of learning.
The two other winners are South Koren Chan Mi Park from Saint Louis University Baguio and American Earl Edward Foust III from the De La Salle University-Manila.
The awarding ceremonies were held in December 4, 2006 at the Far Eastern University. With Ms Wang in the picture are: (L to R): Mr. Adelaido L. Oriondo, President of the PIFO Board of Trustee; Joanne R. Raquel, DLS-CSB Coordinator of the Foreign Students Unit; and Dr. Barbara Wong-Fernandez, PIFO Board of Trustee.
Watch out for more foreign students activities in the campus to be organized by Joanne and her brood of student-leaders, in coordination with foreign students counselor, Tina Balonso.
Wellness Lifestyle and the Youth
The OSA's Center for Counseling Services (CCS), in cooperation with LaMMP's Social Action Office (SAO), recently held an essay writing contest with the theme, "Wellness Lifestyle and the Youth." Below are the three winning pieces and the writers.
School of Design and Arts
AB Fashion Design and Merchandizing
"Get High"
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein
Wellness does not only include Cory Quirino, yoga, vegetarians and Pilates. It goes much deeper than that. Wellness is holistic: being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit is wellness. These four has to have balance and equilibrium. You may be the smartest person but loneliest (“They only talk to me when they need yellow pad.”), the richest yet the most stupid (“I forgot my yellow pad”.), the toughest yet the most conscious ("why are they all looking at me?").
The goal with wellness is to be happy. Performing, looking and feeling your best. You can't achieve this through tons of make-up, having the fastest ride, latest cellphone or coolest clothes. How would you like to be happy for a long time? Not just a momentary itch of bliss that we feel when we see our crush in the corridor.
The first step is to know your weaknesses and strengths so that you will know what to improve on. Just like in the scientific process, you have to identify the problem. Physically: what did you eat for lunch? Or did you even eat lunch at all? Do you consider Marlboro Red as a meal? Mentally: See course cards. Spiritually: Who do you talk to when you're stuck in a rut? Who do you talk to when something happy happened to you? Emotionally: Do you give in to pressures easily? Do you cut yourself? Do you hurt your partner? When you wake up in the morning, what comes into your mind? Do you smile or do you wish that you've never woken up? Of course these are just some of the questions, just random and guide questions. There are a LOT more. The point is to reflect on your actions. Make it a habit to notice yourself. Now you know where you lack. This time, be positive and asses your strengths. Work on them, they are your assets. Don't forget to be consistent, Rome wasn't built in a day. And just like quitting smoking, you need a lot of self-control. When will you know that you are doing it right? When you feel right, you feel different. Somewhat lighter and happier. I can't explain it fully, you have to try it out for yourself. Wellness is a lifelong commitment. It's addictive, a different kind of high once you feel how it truly is to be holistically well. Feel good moments are made to last forever.

School of Multidisciplinary Studies
AB Consular and Diplomatic Affairs
The desire to live a better and happier life is present in all of us, though the achievement of this desire takes some doing. Intrinsic to this is the idea of wellness, which involves a positive balance between all aspects of a person, from physical, mental, spiritual, and social. Achieving this balance requires several self-realizations as well as a framework for addressing problems which may arise. The youth is in a prime position to determine how they're going to live the rest of their lives, now that their exerting their independence and making their own decisions. However, it is also the period when people are prone to self-doubt and may submit to peer pressure or conform to society's norms. What is essential to achieving happiness, therefore, is the realization that the capacity to make ourselves happy is in our own hands.
The mind, in particular, is the most important tool we have. Obstacles and trials are inescapable, and yet the way we address them can be subject to change. Training the mind to always look to the positive keeps our mental attitude confident and determined, which translates itself into our ideas and actions. On the other hand, immersing ourselves in negative ideas like inadequacy and incapability also leads to a depressed and generally unproductive life. In that sense, our thoughts determine the reality we live in. Recognizing this innate power can help us reorganize and restart our lives to better achieve the results we want.
A second adage to remember is that it is okay to be different. We all have our own talents, our own interests, and our own ways of doing things. Therefore, we cannot expect that everyone will act or think the same. Acceptance of this truth requires the cooperation of both the youth and the society. The youth, in recognizing that it is okay not to follow the "pack" and exhibit their independence; and the society, in nurturing, or at least not stifling, these bursts of originality. It is when our capacity for uniqueness is not recognized that most problems occur, from anything as drastic as rebellion to cases of depression.
School of Design and Arts
BS Industrial Design
A Whole New You All my life, I had this preconceived notion that wellness is all about being happy. But if anyone ever asks me how to define happiness, I would be at a loss for words. What is being happy anyway? If you ask a little kid, he might say that happiness is getting a fresh box of crayons. A teenager might say that happiness is being able to go out on gimmicks without any restrictions. A career woman might say that being rich is equal to being happy. I think that these kinds of happiness are incomplete and temporary. Happiness is closely related to wellness and fulfillment. Achieving wellness may be a challenging task. It involves working with the mind, body, spirit and your relationships with other people. But achieving wellness is not impossible. There are several ways to achieve wellness. I think that the best way to achieve wellness is by working with the physical aspect of your life. Try to achieve a healthy lifestyle by taking care of your body with natural diet, exercise, restful sleep and relaxation. Once you have achieved physical wellness, spiritual and emotional wellness will follow. Personally, I have not yet achieved wellness. My physical condition always gets in the way because I noticed that this affects a lot of my relationships, and even the way I think. Wellness can be compared to the wholeness of your body and the way it works. Everything connects to everything else. If you get a toothache, no matter how small that affected part may be, it greatly affects the way you act, the way you think and the way you speak. Going back to the idea of wellness, if one part of your life is not functioning properly (may it be physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally), you are not well. You don't have a balanced life. Achieving a state of wellness means living a higher quality of life and experiencing tranquility that goes beyond what worldly objects can offer. Once you have achieved physical wellness, you may go on working on your spiritual, mental and emotional life (not letting go of your physical wellness). Achieve a deeper connection with your own spirit and others regardless of your personal beliefs. Have lasting, fulfilling relationships with the people around you free of ego and complication. Be a good natured person. Learn how to share, be patient and kind. Sometimes, the lessons we learned in kindergarten are the most essential learnings that we need in life. Don't let go of these values and find out your purpose in life. Accomplish your goals. Go beyond your limits. Enjoy your life without risking it. These ideas may help you become a whole new person.
Nestle's "Seasoned for Success"

In search for Top Campus Entrepreneurs, Nestle Food Services toured some Metro Manila-based culinary and/or entrepreneurial tertiary institutions to vie for its appellation of "Seasoned for Success".
SHRIM joined the prestigious contest to affirm the culinary skills, business prowess, innovativeness and communication ability of our Culinary Majors. Short-listed teams from about 100 entries hurdled the pre-selection screening to qualify for the two-stage final showdown.
Nestle identified the top 10 Food Business Plan entries: 4 from DLS-CSB SHRIM, 3 from UP-Diliman, 2 from OB Montessori and 1 from Ateneo de Manila University. The entries surpassed Nestle's benchmark on business and food creation innovation, efficiency in addressing current basic consumer need, and role of Nestle in the proposed plan.
To enhance their masterpiece, the teams were invited to a one-day food business planning session conducted by resource persons from the Department of Trade & Industry and Asian Institute of Management and another day of exposure to Jollibee commissary in Canlubang Industrial Park..
Showdown Dates:
- November 29 -- 40-minute presentation of the Food Business Plan to a panel of industry experts
- December 7 to 9 -- Culminating event (3-day Food Fair) at the Activity Center of Market! Market! (Live presentation of the Teams)
The judges will decide on 3 winners: BEST IN MARKETING PLAN, BEST OPERATIONAL PLAN, and BEST PRODUCT. The best among the three will be officially recognized as the most "seasoned for success".
The activity is team-supervised: Chef Shirley Joseph for technical aspects, Tony Bernardo for financial, Willy Cuason for marketing and Ed Valenciano for editing of business plans and coaching in the oral presentation.
That's it for the meantime.
Talent Drain: A Perspective From Student Dancers
It has been acknowledged that one of the competitive advantages of the Philippines is its human resources. Foreign investors and employers have attested that the Filipino worker has the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to deliver results.
This statement does not only apply to traditional occupations and professions, but also for talent in the arts. For example, the Department of Trade and Industry recently has identified entertainment talent as a potential source of foreign revenue. Filipino talents in the areas of voice and dance have been a fixture in hotel lounges and clubs not only in Asia but all over the world. The Filipino-dominant cast of the musical Miss Saigon just attest to the talent possess by Filipinos in the field of the performing arts. This essay was inspired from conversations with four student dance artist currently employed in Hong Kong Disneyland. Before their employment with Hong Kong Disneyland, the students were between 20 to 25 years of age, in their senior year of academic preparation in their chosen fields of specialization, senior dancers in a school recognized dance company, and are freelance commercial dancers. They were able get information of the job openings from other dance artist through circulated e-mail. It is also important to note that Hong Kong Disneyland conducted an open audition system only in the Philippines. This move stresses the importance of the Philippines as a main source of talent among Asian countries. The primary focus of this narrative is the advantages and disadvantages of foreign employment from the perspective of dance artist.
As expected the most compelling reason for talent migration is economic in nature. Full-time employment in a premier dance company in the Philippines would only yield a gross compensation of PHP 8,000.00 as compared to the PHP 90,000 for parade dancers (the lowest ranked dance position) to PHP 150,000 for show dancers. Aside from direct compensation, there are a host of other fringe benefits and developmental opportunities. For example, dancers are exposed to trainers from other countries that provide them with new trends and techniques in dance. Furthermore, talented dancers are given foreign training opportunities in various aspects of dance and entertainment. Even though the training and developmental opportunities hone the skills and techniques of the dancers, one drawback of commercial dance is the restriction on performances. The dancers have to abide by the defined “rules” of the show. As narrated by one dancer, there was an instance in the parade show a minor improvisation done. This led to a written warning imposed on the dancer by the superior.
Being employed by a well-known entertainment company like Disney also brings stability of employment and enhances one’s credentials. Most dancers view their employment with Disney as a stepping stone to pursue other opportunities in the arts or their respective professional fields of specialization. For example, one dancer signified an interest to move from dance to an administrative position once an opening is available. Disney adheres to an internal recruitment policy. One major drawback of foreign employment is separation from one’s family and discrimination. Discrimination is evident in the placement of dancers in premier positions in various shows. There is still a preference for Chinese dancers to occupy lead roles with dancers from other nationalities handling supporting roles.
In summary, the story of the migrant artist is not as different as with any other Filipino migrant worker. Foreign employment provides economic and developmental opportunities not available in the Philippines. This is more evident in the field related to the arts. Culture and arts in the Philippines is still viewed as elitist. As a business opportunity, it still is at infancy since the audience base is limited. Once this trend and perception about the arts is changed, there is a possibility that talent can be retained and enjoyed by Filipinos.
Ma. Magdalena C. de Leon
One... The Beginning Of Many

We are pleased to inform the community that SHRIM has been accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to offer the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency Accreditation Program (ETEEAP). Intended for working professionals who have no Bachelor's/College degree in the hotel, restaurant and institution management field, the enrollees will be given a chance to pursue the program at their own pace and time. Their technical know-how acquired over the years shall be evaluated. One of our enrollees, a General Manager of a well known country club has taken the first step to realize his goal of earning a tertiary degree.
Let us share with you how our student hurdled the 2- day Food & Beverage validation process. On October 06, the student was seated in front of a laptop to take a written examination. It took him over two (2) hours to turn off the computer. After that, a demo for Bar Management was handled by Mr. Gerry Ele to showcase his competency in Bar Management and Service. The initial assessment took half the day... not an easy feat for a very busy person.
The following day consisted of an oral validation assessed by a 3-member panel: 1 from the academe, Mr. Ronald Holmes, 1 industry practitioner, Mr. Gilbert Q. Uy, F&B Director of Dusit Hotel, and another one from the academe, Mr. Angelo Lacson.
The other part is a demo on Food and Beverage Service which was handled by Mr. Jaime Flores, another full-time faculty member of SHRIM.
The session started promptly at 10 am. The student and the assessors all remarked that they felt like they were in a beauty pageant, mainly because there was a laptop for each of the panel members where they can input their comments and recommendations as well as put an "X" mark on the grid provided for them to assess the student. Our enrollee was grilled to perfection for two and half hours, to say the least. In the afternoon of the same day, he changed into his F&B waiter's uniform and had the demo for F&B Service for three (3) whole hours. Whew!!!
The whole undertaking for two days went without a hitch! We started with one... and this is just one of the many firsts (again), for SHRIM.
Online Professional Development Modules
As part of our continuing search for alternative modes of delivering professional development offerings, I have proposed a two-phase project which aims to develop training materials which will be delivered via DLS-CSB's online infrastructure to our faculty members. This could be a key component of the professional development program of the College. In addition, this will address the much-expressed need of faculty members who are not able to join our usual face-to-face offerings due to time constraints, etc.
In particular, the project will focus on the design and development of a pedagogic framework and pilot course material(s) that conform to a set of standards, including but not limited to meeting the needs of the target learners and taking advantage of opportunities afforded by what we refer to as e-learning.
I have been working on Phase 1 for quite some time. We should see the first fully-functional, standards-compliant online module by Term 1 SY 2007-2008.
Wish me success :-)
SHRIM Attendance in ProQuest and Thomson Gale Orientation Sessions

Staying on track in their quest for excellence, some 25 faculty members of SHRIM participated in the two-day (Oct 4 & 6) orientation on the use of the ProQuest and Thomson Gale gigantic online information services.
Introduced by the dynamic LRC Director, Cely Cayaban, and resource person Joshua Tiu (CSB alumnus) of the Hong Kong-based iGROUP in coordination with CLCIR, the SHRIM force was challenged and inspired by the huge amount of information yet presented in an accessible, user-friendly format.
Feedback 1: "ProQuest information service provided search and retrieval of one of the world's largest info collections."
Feedback 2: "Thomson Gale is power search for the world's information and education needs."
Truly fascinating, such technology will afford us to focus on the current as well as future trends of the hospitality industry... an ongoing journey without a finish line. Only then that we, as educators and business leaders, can walk our talk.
Destination: Doha, Qatar

Before Milenyo knocked out the entire power system of the Luzon Grid and devastated Metro Manila, SHRIM students going to Qatar for the 15th Asian Games attended the pre-departure orientation on September 27, 2006.
Definitely, they will not go there to compete in the Asian Games. They were accepted by the Diplomatic Club of the State of Qatar to work for 2 months in Food and Beverage Food Preparation and Service.
Yes, twenty five (25) students who will graduate this October 7 and some practicum students will serve the VIPs and media people who will cover the games for the duration of the Asian Games in December 2006.
During the orientation, Mr. Gil Acuna reminded them of the following:
- Be sensitive to others and not to be sensitive to negative remarks
- Be prepared for work beyond the normal task and hours
- Team work
- Respect for other people's cultures
- Be careful of making side comments
- Form a Benildean support group by having a big brother/big sister relationship among themselves for moral and spiritual support
- Be an example to others.
They are looking forward to this experience as an initial step to their careers as hospitality professionals. With our students steeped in Benildean values, we are confident that they will be fine examples to others in Doha, Qatar.
Hurray to our Benildean Trail Blazers!!!
Curriculum Officer
During the Seminar on Curriculum Development which I facilitated last September 12, I mentioned that DLS-CSB will soon have a Curriculum Officer, who will be part of and will play a vital role in the support structure we have conceived for our curriculum-related efforts. This person will work in tandem with the Head of the LC Instruction Unit (Marissa Rodriguez) and will have the following duties and responsibilites:
- Maintains and updates database information of program flowcharts and course syllabi
- Reviews, evaluates, and monitors current course syllabi and program flowcharts using the Learner-Centered Curriculum (LCC) Framework
- Documents subjects and courses developed
- Evaluates proposals for new courses and checks for compliance with the LCC Framework
- Conducts research on new developments in education, and assesses its relevance to the College
- Coordinates with School Deans and Program Chairpersons in matters pertinent to curriculum and its development
- Provides educational advice in the preparation and development of course syllabi
- Participates in the design of activities related to faculty training and development
- Assists and performs other functions as specified by the Center for Learner- Centered Instruction and Research Director
- Performs other administrative functions for general work processes
In other words, s/he will not only act as consultant but will also monitor compliance of programs to the framework. Watch out for CLCIR's announcement of the details of the application for the position.
OSA Heightens the Benildean Educational Experience
Learning doesn’t stop in the four corners of the classroom. That’s why the brains behind the Office of Student Affairs are constantly churning out activities and programs that will help students experience a full and meaningful Benildean education.
Here is the first batch of activities and programs Team OSA has accomplished in the first term of the current school year.
THE BEST AMONG THE REST. Benildean student-leaders listen to the inspiring words of the Ramon Magsaysay laureate in the Ayala Young Leaders Congress held at Filipinas Heritage Library, Makati City on September 1, 2006.
A PROMISING TURNOUT. Students practice their right of suffrage in the successful Student Council elections held at the LRC Lobby last August 3-4, 2006.
TRUST FALL. The officers of the Council of Presidents experience the value of trust in their teambuilding activity.
A BALANCING ACT. Student-leaders learn that there’s strength in a well-balanced undertaking.
RUN LIKE THE WIND. A DLS-CSB sprinter darts his way to championship.
ALL FOR ONE. The diplomats-in-training rehearse their act for world unity.
IN DEEP THOUGHT. Chess superstar Dino Ballecer plans his next move in the National Collegiate Athletic Championship’s chess competitions.
WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. The Council of Presidents, the Fencing Team, and the Pep Squad are all united in their quest for excellence.
LEAP OF VICTORY. Blazing beyond limits, this long jumper soars like a true champion.
REACHING OUT. An officer of the Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management Society gets a handful of support from his peers in the HRIMS teambuilding activity.
GREEN THOUGHTS. Benildeans commit to actively take part in the green revolution during the Lasallian ECO Camp held at De La Salle-Canlubang on May 9-12, 2006.
EL PRESIDENTE. Student Council president Ezer Agbon rallies the studentry to unity and involvement.
TRACKSTERS UNITED. The College’s Track and Field Team proudly displays the school logo in their recent victory in Kota Kinabalu during the 53rd Annual Sabah Track and Field competition.
BEAUTIES WITH BRAINS. The winners of the Mr. and Ms. CoPs 2006 possess not only charm, but a generous dash of leadership, talent and wit.
THIS TIME THEY’RE NOT ACTING IT OUT. The student-artists of the Office of Culture and Arts experience real life-changing scenarios in this training session.
ACHIEVERS THEY ALL ARE. The awardees and performers in the recently concluded 15th Gawad Sinag Tala sing the Alma Mater Hymn with all their hearts.
SHOOT THE BALL. The Blazers test their mettle in the Senior Men’s Basketball division of the 56th National Collegiate Athletic Association.
THEY CAN DANCE. Dancers from the Footworks Dance Theater, Benildanze, and PEP Squad groups take time to pose for posterity in one of their rehearsals in preparation for the opening of the NCAA.
GO, MOTHER! Student-leaders unite to carry the heavy but charming former CoPs president Henri Caunan.
THE BIRTHPLACE OF EXCELLENCE. Student-leaders learn the rudiments of running an organization in the annual Planning for Leaders and Artists Networking and Synergy workshop.
LEADERS AT WORK. Student Council officers are being prepared for battle by the student trainers.
VANGUARDS OF TRUTH. Rev. Fr. Oscar Cruz encourages the student-journalists to practice ethical and responsible journalism in the recently concluded Lasallian Schools Press Conference (LSPCon) held at the CSB Hotel.
THE MAKING OF A CHEERER. Members of the Pep Squad and the Fencing Team learn the basic of their craft in this training session.
UNITED. Student Trainers come together to achieve their goal.

Philippine Daily Inquirer columnist Manuel Luis Quezon III stresses the value of practicing social responsibility in the day-to-day conduct of journalists.
BARBIE IN THE HOUSE.. Barbie Almalbis plays her famous tunes to the delight of the student-journalists in the LSPCon.
POWER IN UNITY. Student Forum leaders commit to work together for the welfare of the studentry.
SDA Faculty GA
Last Friday afternoon, the SDA had its second General Assembly for the faculty. Initially, we organized this gathering to brief incoming new faculty re matters that concern teaching in the SDA and in CSB i.e. the various forms they need to accomplish for various activities, our policies on attendance, out-of-campus and substitution, guidance on syllabi making, computation and submission of grades, general info and plans re the SDA and CSB, etc. and also because we wanted to augment the CSB GA with a session that focuses more on concerns of the school especially for those that are not able to attend the first one.
This time we added a new segment for the proceedings - the first SDA Faculty Citations. We thought that it was about time we honor our professional track teachers who have done exemplary work in their fields of expertise, have garnered awards, or been recognized as experts in their profession. I also wanted to encourage the SDA faculty to interact and network with each other for within our school can be found some of the most interesting, talented and dynamic design, arts, music and dance practitioners. And was it a long list!
To name some, they are: 2006 Aliw Awardee for Best Classical Performer Male -
Montet Acoymo; Palanca Awardee for Poetry 2nd Place
Sid Gomez-Hildawa;
Jed Balsamo's original composition“Angele Dei” one of the winning songs of the Philippine Madrigal Singers when they bagged the Grand Prize of the 2006 Florilege Vocal De Tours International Choral Competition in Tours, France;
Jerold Tarog who composed the music for the digital film "Masahista" that won Best Film at the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland and the 2006 Philippine Young Critics Circle Aural Orchestration Award;
Lito Casaje's “Siling Labuyo sa Kabilugan ng Buwan” for winning the Film Academy of the Philippines' 2006 Storyline Competition and for publishing last June his collection of original plays "Mga Premyadong Dula";
Danvic Briones and
Dolly Ofrasio for winning the 1st and 3rd prizes for the “One La Salle for One Healthy Environment” Painting Contest last August;
Rino Datuin for winning the 1st Prize in the Booth Design for the Organic Food Pavillion in the Bio-Search CITEM Exposition in May 2006; CSB graduate
Ecker de Guzman, production designer for the movie “Binibining K” and the teleseryas “Pedro Penduko”and “Gulong ng Palad” for ABS-CBN;
Noel Flores - costume and special effects designer for “Enkantadia”, “Eteria” and “Atlantika" of GMA-7;
Mio Infante for designing the Ma-yi Theater Ensemble's production of “Nikimalika/Li'l Brown Brothers” in New York, in Manila the play “Doubt” and the musicals “Footloose” and "Beauty and the Beast" for Atlantis Productions, the Miss Earth 2005 pageant, Andrea Bocelli's Concert, and Lea Salonga's Home for Christmas 2005 plus ABS-CBN's Wazzup Wazzup, ETK, Entertainment Konek, U Can Dance, and Bandila; sound designer
Jethro Joaquin for the plays “Saint Louie Loves Em Filipinos” and CCP Tanghalang Pilipino's “Pokpok ng Ohio”;
Benjie Marasigan who was selected by the French Embassy as one of the two Philippine Representative to the GOBELINS, l’ école de l’ image International Summer School in Paris last July, as a speaker for the Animation Education Conference in Hongkong last May and most especially for mentoring Nelson Caliguia, Jr. and Jason Confesor in their animation project "Doodle of Doom" which was selected as one of only two Asian entries to the Nicktoons Network Animation Festival USA;
Julius Clar for
“Sun Prints-an exhibition of 19th century photographic processes” at the Art Center in Megamall and “Van Dyke Prints” at Workshop 1 La Fuerza Plaza II, Makati City ;
RM de Leon's 2006 solo art exhibits “Specific Gravities” and “Between Structure and Gesture” at Galleria Deumila; our SDA auteurs who have directed their own digital films -
Paolo Herras for "Lambanog" and "Recados",
Gabby Fernandez for "Nasaan si Francis?",
Ed Lejano for "Seroks" and
Elvert Banares who has finished three film projects and is working on two at the moment, organizing international film festivals for China and representing the country in this year's Shanghai International Film Festival!
Whew! It was a simple ceremony during the citation but everyone who came was pleased to know that we had such talents in our midst; for those who were cited, a sense of pride and achievement for being recognized by their fellow SDA professionals. Congratulations to all of them and may their tribe increase!
This is to invite you to TECHNONEGOSYO which will be held on Sept. 14 to 15 at the World Trade Center in Roxas Boulevard. This is part of a series of events kicked off during the Go Negosyo Summit (GoNegosyo Teen Edition Conference and several GoNegosyo events held in different communities and schools).
TechnoNegosyo is designed to link entrepreneurs, government agencies and the business sector that encourage them to collaborate in research partnership, joint ventures, sourcing agreements and technology transfer.
The CA & IM Programs have a booth at this event. The purpose of the CAP & IMP programs for joining are two-fold : A venue to display IT products and systems developed by our students and a venue to display what students and graduates of CAP and IMP are capable of. We expect this to be a big event, with a veritable who’s who in the IT and Telecommunications business making their presence felt during the event. There will also be discussion forums with industry leaders all throughout the event. I believe this would be beneficial to us professionally.
Entrance is free!
Bracing for the 2nd Term
The tri-sem break was even busier at the SHRIM. The reason is the faculty and staff were prepared to make their valuable clients.....the students.... stay in SHRIM more productive and comfy to facilitate better learning.
Bracing themselves for the 2nd term, our faculty members underwent training on LC given by Lucy Bustamante. On 6 September, 12 part-time and full-time faculty shared experiences in learning engagements later validated by a review of APA's 14 Psychological Principles on Learner-centeredness. They then completed a workshop where they identified their stduents' learning styles vis-a-vis Mc Carthy's 4 learning styles and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences' Chart. The groups proceeded to propose instructional strategies (lecture, PBL, simulation, tiered assignments, anchored instruction, etc) appropriate to the learning styles previously identified. The groups presented their work by powerpoint which was subjected to peer critique. The participants requested further sessions on assestments and class management.
On another font, the Culinary Laboratory Unit which assists in supports the efficient implementation of experiential learnings of SHRIM's food and beverage courses had its whole day general staff meeting last August 31. Regularly conducted every term-end of the school year by our CLU Head, Evelyn Factora, CLU reviewed its strengths as well as weaknesses vis-a vis SHRIM objectives.
For greater productivity, CLU's sub-units, i.e Issuing and Receiving (Utensils, Equipment and Supplies;Dry Stores), Laboratories, Purchasing-support(Fidelio System), Pantry, and Warewash and Laundry, developed their respective Action Plans designed to provide more competent servoce in the 2nd term.
No let-up better service to enable CLU staff to measure up to the standards of SHRIM is CLU's goal. After all it is continously reaping what it has sown...what used to be 2-3 classes in 1996, culinary lab classes ballooned to 66 courses spread in 106 schedules in the opening of the 2nd triester of SY 2006-07.
Who says that this is the era of downsizing or fugality to the hilt? SHRIM just makes the most from its investment-the students-who will not fall short of giving their full measure.
All for Saints La Salle and Benilde!
CDA Students in the EU Whiz Finals

In my August 10 posting, our CDA students won in the first two sets of the European Union Competition elimination round held at De La Salle University. Joyce Sadiarin, Ian Agsalda, and Thomas "Beau" Dela Cruz topped the elimination round. Last August 18, 2006 they faced Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), and University of the Philippines in the Final Round of this inter-collegiate quiz at SM Mega Mall in Mandaluyong City.
Ambassador Jan de Kok, Head of Delegation of the European Commission to the Philippines was there to explain why they created this activity (i.e. to make more people aware of the existence of the European Union). He also awarded the winners.
It was such a joy to see the energies of Joyce, Ian, and Beau. The CDA team, as you can see in the picture with Ambassador Jan de Kok (minus Mr. George Binay who was our "official photographer") were beaming with pride as to how our CDA students handled the intense pressure of the competition. Unlike in the elimination rounds, the Finals was a close match. In the end, our CDA students won second place with 8 points (tied with UA&P). PUP bagged the First Place with 11 points while UP-Diliman took the Third Place with 6 points. Congratulations to the CDA team and thanks to all who supported them!
MMA Roller Coaster Ride
It was a roller coaster term, 1st Term SY 06-07.
MMA Curriculum ReviewMMA had to review its program offerings by asking each track within the program to present their track objectives, best practices, problems encountered, and proposed solutions.
It was a long climb in that coaster ride which started 2 terms ago and ended last term. 15 tracks all in all presented:
- Art Foundation
- Art History
- Natural Sciences and Arts
- Photography
- Computer Aided Design and Visualization
- 2D Animation
- 3D Animation
- Video
- Graphics Design
- Interactive Authoring
- Web Development
- Sound Design and Production
- Multimedia Business
- Multimedia Production
Each track has a volunteer leader that coordinates the curriculum development in the program. What have we learned in the review?
- We must aim to provide focus for the students as they go through the many (multi) disciplines in communication (media). Focus is provided during the last 3 trimesters in the students' stay in MMA. This is done by way of doing a 2-term multimedia production project of their interest coupled with 3 elective courses that will enhance their skills and knowledge in that discipline. With the development and eventual approval of the new programs in SDA, namely, Animation, Photography and Digital Film Production, MMA will try to focus on interactive authoring and graphics.
- Since not all of the students who enroll in our program are good in freehand sketching, we must create a program that will make our students like drawing (some of them hate it). Hand drawing is still a great skill that all artists and designers should try to hone. Drawing skills takes time to develop and as such, MMA need to introduce this course early on in the curriculum; 1st Term 1st Year. This should give the students time to enhance their sketching skills that was not fully-developed during their elementary or high school days. This means that the design foundation courses of MMA would need to be mixed with the General Education subjects for the first four terms.
- A lot of our students are weak in their writing, speaking skills. We need to work on this more, any suggestions?
- Our Academic Advisers met also and identified the need to create an intervention program for our students who need some “clinic” sessions for their courses. We are going to tap our MMA teachers to help in this program which is similar to what the College is doing for some General Education subjects. We hope to lessen student failures in this manner starting next term.
There are a lot more which MMA is trying to address which might not be the concern of the whole College. These are uphill struggles we are trying to work on for MMA to become a program we can all be proud of.
MMA Winners and Program MilestoneOn the top of the coaster ride, we have had several winning sprees with the animation short of Nelson Caliguia Jr. and Jayson Confesor’s “Doodle of Doom”.
Emerson Reyes, director of the award-winning short video 'Ikot' (produced by Gian Mayo), won 3rd Prize for the Gawad CCP’s Experimental Video Category,
Love Nakagawa's short video 'Ngiti' won 2nd Prize at the Cinemadali National Competition sponsored by the Committee on Cinema (headed by Dr. Doy del Mundo and Director Peque Gallaga).
Ryan Vergara got the First Prize "Ako 1". This is his third time to win in the same competition after his double win last year (two First Prizes).
Our graduate, Jeff Tan, had his directorial debut with the film “White Lady”.
It was a milestone for us to be able to get Mr. Ronnie Del Carmen (Pixar’s story animator) and Mr. Tony Gloria (Producer and Director, UNITEL Pictures) to become part of our “Board of Advisers” in the program. We are hoping that they can help us in the coming terms as we push forward to becoming a world class program.
Some Downhill BattlesIn the roller coaster ride we just had last term, we did have downward plunges we are trying to arrest.
It is still difficult to look and maintain MMA teachers for the program. New teachers had to be loaded the same 9 units as those seasoned teachers with very satisfactory evaluations both from the students as well as their peers.
We do need more space to move around and be more creative. Since the move to the new SDA building has been reset to next school year, we are now trying our best to squeeze in new ideas in small spaces. Our students and several of the faculty members of the program went to Singapore to attend the CG Overdrive Convention ( where we listened to computer graphics giants: Shuzo John Shiota, Ikuo Nishii, Carlos Baena, Andrew Gordon, Dayne Cowen, Robert Chang, Feng Zhu, Stephen Unterfranz, Michael Conelly, Daniel Martinez Lara, Daniel Gregoire, Marc Tan. We likewise visited 2 schools; Temasek Polytechnic ( and First International Design School ( while in Singapore and saw how Multimedia Arts programs are being run in Singapore. We are eagerly waiting for the opening of our very own SDA building.
The downward motion only prepared us for an upward thrust. I hope you enjoyed MMA’s roller coaster ride.
Seminar on Curriculum Development
Next Tuesday, September 12, CLCIR will host a seminar on curriculum development. The target participants include Deans, Chairpersons, and other faculty members who are taking or likely to take an active role in curriculum-related activities, e.g., program development, program review and evaluation, program revision, syllabi development, subject evaluation, etc.
It is alarming that not everyone is familiar with matters regarding the curriculum, even though our curricular offerings are our main "products", just as McDonald's has its meals and IBM has its computers. So, in effect, the activity is an intervention program, making sure that everyone, especially the School Deans and Chairpersons, are on the same page when it comes to curriculum.
Ganda ng Lola Mo! (Beauty Inside and Out)

The Exit Interview with the Dean on August 19, 2006 restrained me to be with the organizing team of Ms. Gae Mocas' TOURSEM H3Z's seminar on "Personality Development Inside and Outside" at 1:00PM- 5:00PM, MPH.
Around 150 students eagerly listened to brilliant speakers, ramp model Patty Betita of John Robert Powers, Dr. Marivic Policarpio of Mendez Medical Group and Weightless Center, and Mr. Arnold dela Cruz, the Training Director of Philippine Airlines. As the students were sharing their thoughts about the speakers, one can see from their actions that indeed, they learned a lot. Learning, however, is one thing and practicing it is another. Germanely, our faculty members are tasked to assess how the personality gurus will rev up our Tourism majors.
The students would like to share some insights from the seminar:
- People who are insecure always try to destroy other people.
- Learn from the past. Make this your learning experience.
- Three (3) important things that hinder a person's success: (a) Mayabang, (b) Matapobre, (c) Chismosa
- Body parts on which you wear perfume or cologne: (a) Pulse area, (b) Behind the ears, (c) Neck, (d) Elbows, (e) Knees
- Don't leave your things unattended or left behind after your interview.
- As courtesy, take one step backward before turning your back on the interviewer.
- Say "thank you" after your interview.
- Maintain a clean face.
One thing that surprised all was when Ms. Patty Betita stated "doing ordinary things extraordinarily". Yes, she's not a Benildean but she practices what Benildeans are... in mind and heart.