No Paper Checking: Online Midterms Begin Through Moodle

The possibilities are endless with a checking-free exam facility.
Midterms will never be the same as the Center for Learner-Centered Instruction (CLCIR) Instructional Technology Unit completed its pilot run of paperless midterm exams at the E-Classroom and International Center (IC) computer laboratories.
Ms. Marie Ann Gutierrez, a faculty from the School of Multidisciplinary Studies (SMS), collaborated with the Center for Learner-Centered Instruction and Research to conduct the paperless midterm examinations for three History classes with a total of about 112 students. The exam had a total of 43 objective type questions and one essay type item.
A Moodle briefing, technical dry-run, and item type familiarization preceded the online midterm testing. Prior to the CLCIR-supervised pilot run, Ms. Cynthia Amador, Mr. Rogelio de la Cruz, Mr. Antonio Ingles, Mr. Dary Dacanay, and Mr. Frederick Sanchez had conducted paperless, objective type midterm or final exams.
The pilot run came soon after the installation of additional computer hardware to further improve the performance of the DLS-CSB Moodle Learning Management System.
A tempting offer, isn't it? :-) I therefore invite every faculty member to find out how this offer from CLCIR could benefit them. Can you imagine being able to check fewer test papers??
Of course, the whole thing is only as good as your set of questions. So do attend their other offering on Student Assessment.
By the way, Moodle is another concrete evidence of what open source software can do for us.
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