School of Multidisciplinary Studies Updates
We congratulate the CDA team for the successful completion of the 2nd FSOER (Foreign Service Officers' Exam Review).
And, now that summer vacation is over (for more than a week for us Benildeans!), I hope that you all had a good rest and are rearing to go back to work. I welcome the newly-hired faculty members into our family. I wish to get to know you as we work together, may you learn to love this school as much as we have all learned to. To the rest of our family, I am happy to be working with you again. I pray that we will all have a fruitful and problem-free year together.
The past weeks have been both exciting and challenging. SMS will still have the following chairpersons: Ms. Joey Jawid for the English Area, Mr. Toni Ingles for the TheoPhilo Area, Ms. May Lorica for CDA, and Mr. Valladolid (still as OIC) for PE. We, nevertheless, wish to thank Mr. Alain Austria, Mr. Santi Flora, and Dr. George Lu for their valuable contributions to SMS, they are still very much a part of the family. We welcome Ms. Letty Sebrio (as OIC) for the Filipino Area, Ms. Annie Parungao for the MathSci Area, and Mr. Rowell Roxas for the SocSci Area. We will have our first meeting by next week and hope to evaluate our performance last year and review how we can provide better service via our specialized Gen Ed offerings to CDA, SDA, SMIT, and SHRIM.
Nurturing Learner-Centered Education

The CLCIR will host the second annual recognition ceremonies for faculty on June 7, 2006 with the theme "Nurturing Learner-Centered Education". It will be held at the CSB Auditorium, 1:00-2:30pm.
On this special occasion, our office will honor faculty members who have become our partners in promoting learner-centeredness through instruction, research and instructional technologies. Recognition will also be given to schools, centers, and offices that have rendered the most participation in CLCIR activities.
See you there!
Admissions Committee and the New Structure
Welcome to a new school year! Since we have a new structure for this school year, I have a question in relation to membership to the Admissions Committee. Since Ms. Lazatin is now the AVP-LaMMP, is she still part of the Admissions Committee? Not all AVPs join the Admissions Committee (e.g., Ms. Valdez). I welcome her presence, of course. :)
Welcome Bob Baylon!
As for SDEAS, the Panibagong Paraan 2006 competition drew to a close last Saturday and SDEAS project in partnership with Deaf Benildean Multi-Purpose Cooperative (DBMC) and the Philippine Resources for Sustainable Development (PRSD) was one of the 59 winners. Incidentally, DLS-PSI also won. Their project involves helping the Artists of Bulacan. So let us congratulate them too! That's 2 for One La Salle Philippines!
Anyway, the prize money will be given as grant and shall be used as DBMC Deaf members' start-up loan to set-up and run small to medium level type of businesses -- managed by the Deaf and employing Deaf people. We will of course seek out your assistance, particularly SHRIM, SDA, SMIT and SMS for your school's expertise for product development, financial and management concerns, more so make sure that we find opportunity for partnership with SPaCE and LaMMP for other areas that may be helpful for the Deaf and the greater mainstreamed enviroment.
You may check out the announcement here:
www.panibagongparaan.comAside from the grant award, a People's Choice Award was given out to the project with the most number of votes from visitors. Each visitor is given only 1 chance to vote on a project they deemed best for innovation, sustainability, and impact of support to target sector.
Yup, we also got that award. smile! While the prizes given were not really something to die for unlike the prize from the grant, it was quite heartwarming to witness strangers from all walks of life (pustura to the max, high level official, to an ordinary person wearing worn out shirt and pants) take time to listen to to our explanations, to read out our materials and gamely participate in our little game of "learn to sign your name". In between they taste sample of DECK Coffee and Deaf graduates' chocolates. After a happy and insightful interchange of ideas and appreciation, these visitors gave their votes. And I am sure its not just the coffee or chocolates that made them do it. :)
Anyway, that's all for now from SDEAS.
New SPaCE Dean

The official announcement is forthcoming. But to put speculations to rest, I am taking the liberty of announcing here that we have a new SPaCE Dean in the person of Bob Baylon. He will take over from Nards Garcia who returned to DLSU-Manila last May 16. Bob will concurrently head the CDP even as the SMIT administrators deliberate on how to position it (CDP in SMIT, CDP in SPaCE, or CDP as a separate unit?).
We thank Nards for his contributions in his two years with us. Thanks too to Bob Tang for lending Bob Baylon to SPaCE. Let us give Bob Baylon a warm welcome.
Point Persons
We need people to fill several committees in all the Schools. These are committees on
Curriculum Development,
Faculty Development,
Research, and
Marketing. We need Heads and Committee Members.
The Heads will represent the School in various task forces. For example, the Head of the School Curriculum Development Committee will act as the School's representative in the Curriculum Development Task Force. The Head of the Marketing Committee will be the School's point person when working with OLaMMP.
The Committee Members will work with the Heads in plotting their respective School's program and activities. For example, the members of the School Research Committe will work with their Head in plotting the School's research agenda and its implementation.
Interested faculty members may contact their respective Deans. The Deans will do a screening to determine the final lineups.
Blog for DLS-CSB Administrators
Meaningful conversation. It is something which should happen in a living system.
With this in mind, this blog was created to serve as venue where DLS-CSB administrators can share with the rest of the community their thoughts on anything related to their lives as members of the Benildean community. These may include new information, observations, beliefs, and opinions. Administrators who want to participate in this team blog should contact the blog administrator at are encouraged to send their feedback to the various postings.